
Workshop: Understanding “Made in Italy”

Overview: This workshop, designed for up to 8 participants, aims to deepen the understanding and appreciation of “Made in Italy,” a mark of excellence recognized worldwide. This interactive session will explore various facets of Italian craftsmanship, culture, and the emotional connection behind Italian-made products.

Key Topics:

  1. Made in Italy:
    • Explore what “Made in Italy” truly means.
    • Discuss the historical and cultural significance of Italian craftsmanship.
    • Understand how “Made in Italy” products maintain their reputation for quality and style.
  2. Difference Between Object and Emotion:
    • Examine how Italian products transcend mere functionality to evoke emotions.
    • Discuss the philosophy of design and the integration of emotion into craftsmanship.
    • Learn how emotional resonance is a hallmark of Italian products.
  3. Leather and Yarns:
    • Delve into the materials that define Italian excellence.
    • Understand the importance of leather and yarns in Italian fashion and design.
    • Explore the processes and techniques used to create high-quality materials.
  4. “I’m Not a Good Seller”:
    • Discuss common challenges and misconceptions in selling Italian products.
    • Learn strategies to effectively communicate the value and uniqueness of “Made in Italy.”
    • Gain confidence in presenting and selling Italian goods by focusing on storytelling and authenticity.
  5. Question Time:
    • An open Q&A session where participants can ask questions and discuss topics in more detail.
    • An opportunity to gain personalized insights and clarifications from the workshop leader.

Additional Details:

  • Estimated Duration: 45 minutes
  • Reservation: Advance reservation is appreciated to secure your spot.
  • Price:
    • In-person workshop: €40.00 per person
    • Online workshop: €28.00 per person

This workshop is perfect for anyone interested in Italian culture, fashion, and craftsmanship, whether you are a professional in the industry or simply a passionate enthusiast. Join us to uncover the essence of “Made in Italy” and take away valuable insights that will enrich your appreciation of Italian products.


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